Dojo Digital

WordPress for Beginners at Lewiston Adult Education

1 out of 6 websites online today are using WordPress.

Nearly half of small businesses in Maine don’t have a website. 90% of customers are now using internet search engines to find products and services. WordPress is a great platform where the average person can create and manage a website rather easily. Join Scott Hill of Dojo Digital for a hands-on introduction to WordPress and its features. Students will be building their own website using a WordPress theme during the course. Participants should have some computer experience and should be comfortable opening and saving files, using email and navigating the internet.

Click here to register for this class today!

Scott Hill is a partner and general manager at Dojo Digital. Dojo Digital develops themes, designs and plug-ins for content management systems including WordPress and specializes in search engine friendly, responsive small business websites. In today’s technology driven economy, it is vital websites are responsive and easily viewed on multiple devices such as mobile phone, tablets and even book readers.

This class is 5 weeks in length, and spots will fill up quickly!

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